December 10, 2019


The Only Horoscope Worth Reading.

A synopsis of today’s planetary influences

for sun signs and rising signs.



You rush to get things done and to be able to get everything in place, so that you can present something you have been working on tirelessly, to show to someone of importance to your progress. But you must prepare a game plan in hand, so that you do not hesitate while you talk. Choose your important people wisely, and they will eat out of your hands. 

Today’s affirmation:

“Time to negotiate.”


You are a little dramatic, having to deal with someone who doesn’t know his or hers place. Today goes from you being a little over the top, insisting that you don’t have to deal with this person, to taking care of your duties and calming the heck down. Let people be who they are. What do you care if someone insists on whatever, as long as it doesn’t affect you negatively?

Today’s affirmation:

“I am too busy to care.”


You may be super sensitive. To anything. However, it doesn’t take long for you to recuperate, leave it all behind and begin to have some of the most amazing afternoons with special friends. However, you have to make sure you only hang out with those who are sensitive to your needs, and not loud people. Even though they may be friends. You can’t handle gruff today…

Today’s affirmation:

“I like sweet folks.”


You are charming to everyone and you are also informed, which helps. Because when they see how cute you are, but are not paying attention to what comes out of your mouth, and you would like both: to look cute, as well as to sound wonderfully informed. When your vocal cords have had enough conversation, you hurry up and retreat to your personal space, home sweet home. 

Today’s affirmation:

“Busy day!”


You are down to earth trying to make the best out of every situation and succeeding at it. You are money making today. Your luck is running hot, your pay day is here and it is very good. Then, you get it into your head to drop everything and stop to smell the roses, as a matter of speech. You want to get out and move your limbs. Take a walk around the park, and feed the birds…

Today’s affirmation:

“There is life beyond making money.”


From having the Moon in your sign in the morning, and still having a field day having it your way. Later on, when the Moon moves on from yours, you become more stubborn about having to do the right thing, and to not fool around too much. But when you combine having loads of fun plus taking care of business, you have a day that is anything but boring and super productive.

Today’s affirmation:

“Fun and productivity, alright!”


Once the Moon enters your sign today, you find a way to start a conversation with someone who makes a difference in your life. Perhaps you have a joint venture together that you want to see doing better than it has, and one of the ways to get there, is to discuss what percentage each one will receive when it comes to profits. Negotiate fairly and everyone will be a winner.  

Today’s affirmation:

“It’s not all about me.”


You have had enough company and enough socializing, thank you very much! And now you are either feeling deep fatigue, or you are smart enough to retreat for as long as you can. To take some time off, be it five minutes or a half an hour for sleep or meditation, will change your outlook, and recharge your energy level to create the precision you will need for your work.

Today’s affirmation:

“I need some space.”


It’s ok to ask for help. You may need to ask for some assistance to finish up on a project that needs so much concentration to detail, that it’s easier to have someone have your back about it. You will finish it quicker, and with a lot more attention to detail. It is a creative effort on all parts that makes this operation run smoothly. Learn how to delegate and make your life easier.

Today’s affirmation:

“I learn to delegate.”


The world is at your feet as you go through the day. Earlier in the day, you may be all over the place, trying to understand issues that will make themselves understood as the day progresses. Gather up all information you can, and then get to doing what you do best, which is to take chances you like to take, as you conduct your career with dazzle and panache.

Today’s affirmation:

“I let the day develop naturally.”


You have to stop worrying about something that is getting your nerves on edge. The good thing is that this emotional upheaval will dissipate as the day progresses, and you will, once again be able to see the positive side of life. To rejuvenate your spirit and you may want to spend time with someone who can help you reflect and exchange ideas and have a few laughs.

Today’s affirmation:

“Good days are here.”


Just when you think you have someone figured out, you realize that she or he, are more complex that you give them credit for. You may have to look into yourself, and forget trying to fix someone else, when you are a work in progress yourself. There are issues you have to deal with, that if you stare them in the face and stare them down, will stop being scary and turn to strength.

Today’s affirmation:

“I mind my own business.”


Today’s Happy Birthday:

In the coming year cycle you will look into your life, and you learn not to be judgmental about others as well as about yourself. Let go of false expectations, and seek new goals and new aspirations. You will have to pay attention to details and to make sure that you include others while you pursue your own dreams. You will have to beware, and not let go of people, you may be reading them wrong… take some space to reflect and then bring them back into the fold.

Good luck and God bless you.


Today’s planetary layout:

The Moon enters Gemini at 11:48 AM EST.

The Moon makes a hard angle with Mercury.


enjoy your authentic self

live with passion


have a wonderful day


for entertainment purposes only

By: Michelle Star